Beginning Again


For over 40 years I’ve tried to understand, apply, and embody the results, of what we call “work on oneself” in the context of spiritual development in general and Gurdjieff’s 4th Way in particular. It’s been a long 40 years, full of many teachers, companions, and experiences along the way.

I can report that many things have changed in me over those years and my gratitude to the 4th Way, to my many teachers, to my fellow seekers, to those who have occasionally found it personally useful to listen to what I had to say, and to innumerable other sources of help grows daily. I can also report that I have a long way to go.

They say that longevity in the Work doesn’t really count for anything; that one can spend decades doing the same old thing and getting nowhere. Like most things that “They” say, this is both true and not true. One thing that I have seen is that no matter how much effort one is able to bring to bear, some things simply take time to ripen. Like a new baby or a cactus plant, they develop in their own time.

So at an age when most people look forward to retirement (I’ll be 66 in a few days) I find that I am once again starting over at the beginning.

However in this case I have some companions who wisely or foolishly wish to accompany me on this journey. From time to time we’ll send back some reports.